Members of the Holy Name Society – both individually and collectively in parish Societies – are called to build the kingdom of God in their parishes and communities by completing Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy.
These works can be categorized into three main areas - Spiritual, Service, and Social.
- Promotes devotion to and respect for the most Holy Names of God and Jesus;
- Encourages frequent reception of the Sacraments of Confession and Holy Eucharist;
- Promotes daily Mass attendance, prayer and spiritual reading;
- Participates in Eucharistic Adoration;
- Promotes memorial masses;
- Participates and sponsors Eucharistic and Marian Processions and Vigils;
- Sponsors, coordinates and participates in spiritual conferences, weekend retreats and days of recollection;
- Holds prayer vigils for the canonization of Blessed John of Vercelli;
- Visits the sick and the dying;
- Visits and becomes a Pen Pal to the Incarcerated;
- Helps the aged and handicapped;
- Provides financial support for Seminarians and Catholic Education Students
- Coordinates food and clothing drives;
- Provides servers, lectors, cantors, ushers and choir members for the sacred liturgy;
- Leads and attends bible study groups;
- Teaches Catholic religion classes (CCD);
- Drives meals to the home bound;
- Sponsors converts to the Catholic faith (RCIA);
- Fights against Pornography
- Supports Catholic School Education;
- Encourages Stewardship during parish and diocesan fund raising drives;
- Fights for the respect and dignity of human life;
- Assists pastors with parish initiatives;
- Responds to requests from the Archbishop/Bishop;
- Serves on parish councils and as parish trustees;
- Coordinates and supports parish youth activities;
- Cooperates with Holy Name Society initiatives at the Parish, Deanery, Diocesan and National level;
- Holds parish Communion breakfasts;
- Coordinates and works at parish festivals and fundraisers;
- Sponsors parish social events;