Membership in the Holy Name Society
Membership in the Holy Name Society is open to all Catholics, lay, clergy, and religious over the age of 18. They must be firm believers in all that the Catholic Church believes and teaches and put these teachings into practice in their daily lives. These beliefs of the Catholic faith are expressed in the Credo of the People of God, Apostolic Letter in the form of Motu Proprio, Solemni Hac Liturgia (Credo Of The People Of God) Of The Supreme Pontiff Paul VI, June 30, 1968
How to Become a Member
Membership in the Holy Name Society is typically at the parish level. The parish Holy Name Society must be properly chartered with the Dominican Order. To become a Professed member of the Holy Name Society requires a public expression of faith by the candidate in a special induction ceremony. It is also possible to become a Novice member in the Confraternity.
All who are professed members of the Confraternity must:
- Praise and glorify God by fidelity to prayer, especially by both private and public Holy Name devotions and as far as it can be done, bring others, particularly those committed to the member's care, to know and honor the name of God.
- Recognize His divine authority and believe that all power on earth, civil and religious comes from Him and respect and promise to obey all lawfully constituted authority.
- Proclaim love and obedience to the Pope, the Vicar of Christ on Earth.
- Believe all the sacred truths, which the Holy Catholic Church believes and teaches and to educate himself and all those in his charge in these truths.
- Promise to strive for perfection by frequent reception of the sacraments, daily prayer, spiritual reading, acts of penance and mortification, and fraternal charity - "You must, therefore, be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." Mt 5:48.
- In honor of His Divine Name, avoid disrespect to the name of God, of Jesus, and of what is sacred and should abstain from all improper language, such as blasphemy, perjury profanity, cursing, obscene speech and indecency, and as far as prudence permits induce others to refrain from such insults to God and immorality. – "Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name." Mt 6:9
- Avoid any conduct that would be scandalous or cause or tempt others to ridicule or despise the Catholic faith or the Confraternity – lest it be true "The name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you." Rom 2:24.
- Fulfill all the obligations of membership in the Mystical Body of Christ, the Catholic Church, according to one's state in life, as well as the specific obligations of membership in the Society, particularly attendance at all devotional events.
It should be noted that regulations imposed do not bind under the pain of sin. Members of the Confraternity as a matter of honor and obedience should live up to these regulations. They should also, in all of their activities, as members, be mindful of the divine law of charity.
Every day I will bless thee, and praise thy name for ever and ever. Psalm 145:2